Currently, in 2017 any website development company can build an affordable website for their client, but the main thing is that how much does it cost to build an effective business website, one that will work for you and grow your business or not? In this article 2017 on website, costs list different types of websites, budgets associated with and clarifies what separates an effective website from an ineffective.

First Decide your Budget

If you just start and your business is so small that you have to cut corners, we understand but please be aware that going with a freelancer or offshore company means that quality and communication can suffer. Another option for you is a website builder like Wix, Weebly, any other static website or Square Space.

Ok – let’s continue …

One of the best ways to illustrate website costs is to describe the most common types of websites and to allocate cost estimates.

For all these examples, some Website Design Company will assume that you / the client will provide the following:

Written content for the website.

Photographs or videos (if necessary) of your services, business, staff, etc.

A logo and a basic brand management.

Hosting account and URL (domain name).

It’s mandatory to first decide which type of website you want to make and it affordable for your budget or not…

Types of websites: What do you need?

One page / Landing page:

This is a one-page website, sometimes called a “landing page” because people will land on that one page when they click on a specific link from an ad or email, Etc. it is a very simple website & mostly functionality of this website is generally static. Although these single-page websites can be very long scroll pages, usually not much content. The website has a simple purpose, to motivate the visitor to buy a product or to subscribe to an offer, fill out a form, call a number or download a file. All content on the site is intended to have the visitor complete this task. Because these sites are so concentrated, it usually reduces the amount of effort needed to build them.

Small Business Information:

This website is the most common type of business website. It usually has 7 to 14 pages. The types of content areas you will see on these sites are; Home, About Us, Team Page, Services Page, Press release, Testimonials Page, Blog(daily updated article), News, Contact Us page. The website is focused on promoting the client brand, marketing services to companies and providing information. Website Design & Development Company usually create these by using WordPress as a framework and customize the design and features based on the client’s needs.

Mid-Size-Business Informational:

This is similar in structure to the small business information site above but there are additional requirements for more content pages and/or special features. Examples of these additional features include:

A great management team with bios.

A resource center with lots of downloadable content.

Online registration or login.

Locate retailers or custom stores.

Complex services requiring multiple sub-pages of content and downloads.

E-commerce Small Business:

This represents a simple marketing site with an e-commerce feature for the purchase of products or services. In our experience, it is easier and cheaper to use a hosted shopping cart like Shopify or a simple WordPress plugin like WooCommerce to allow this type of website. These trolleys work best when you have standard e-commerce requirements.

Medium-sized business e-commerce:

This level of e-commerce means that you have one or more of the following requirements:

Need to customize




and other back-end functions.
