New Exciting Guardians of the Galaxy Art Looks At Adam Warlock’s Cocoon
The first two Guardians films from Marvel featured some pretty amazing visuals and art ideas. Yet to bring these artistic creations to the big screen required a lot of pre conceptual art and adept visualization of key scenes and items positioned within the film. For instance artist Ian Joyner is known for having worked on some of the concept art for Adam Warlock’s spectacular cocoon which we can share with you here today.
The amazing cocoon featured in the second of the two films, notably James Gunn’s Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2. This week Ian chose to release on Instagram some new concept art offering a better look at the gilded gestation pod featured in the movie.
End Sequence Nuggets and Conceptual Art
As is common with a number of recent popular films, these art nuggets are added to post credit sequences, just like in Kong. Joyner says it was a “delight†to work on the art as he is a big fan of “everything cosmic†in the Marvel universe.
The actual cocoon is shown to audiences in a post-credits sequence in Guardians 2 as a feature that The Sovereign’s leader Queen Ayesha (Elizabeth Debicki) has spending time constructing and developing.
New Exciting Guardians of the Galaxy2 Art Examines Adam Warlock’s Cocoon

Naturally Internet speculation is rife that Adam Warlock will feature in some capacity in the third “Guardians of the Galaxy film.†Although it has also been confirmed that Adam Warlock will not be playing any part in the other Marvel film, namely “Avengers: Infinity War.†See more on the cocoon art from Ian right here.
Want More Marvel Art Like This?
It is also the case that director Gunn is on the cards to return to write and direct a third ‘Guardians’ movie. Before we get to excited this will be some way off into the future as this third Guardians film hasn’t set any kind of production or release date as yet.
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