One brave little piggy decided that she didn’t want to be taken to market. In order to save her own life, she jumped out from the back of a truck. You won’t believe what happened once she made it onto the ground.

20. Named

Image: The Dodo

One little piglet, now named Charlotte, decided that she didn’t want to be driven away in a truck. So she did the craziest thing and hopped out from the back. So how did this happen?

19. Transport Truck

Image: YouTube

Charlotte was in the back of a transport truck that was traveling through a highway in Pennsylvania. It was at this moment that the little piglet decided that she no longer wanted to be in the back of the truck.

18. Jumping Out

Image: YouTube

So little Charlotte made a bold move and jumped right out of the truck. She hit the pavement of the highway, hard. It was an unbelievable sight…

17. Shocked

Image: Daily Mail

Charlotte was there in the middle of a busy highway as cars rushed by all around her. The little piglet was shocked by what was happening. It was an incredibly dangerous situation for her to be in.

16. Dangerous Situation


Little Charlotte was in a horrible situation at that point in time. Her life was at stake as cars continued to rush by without even giving her a second glance. Then something miraculous happened.

15. A Miracle

Image: The Dodo

Suddenly, a car with a family inside spotted Charlotte in the middle of the road. With no one else willing to stop, this family decided to be different. So they pulled over on the highway.

14. Errands

Image: The Dodo

The family had been running errands all day and had just headed out from shopping for some school supplies. They all quickly hopped out of the car to check on Charlotte and see if she was doing ok.

13. Her Condition

Image: The Dodo

The family began to look over Charlotte and quickly realized that she was still breathing despite being unconscious. So they quickly scooped up the little piglet and drove to get her help.

12. Getting Help

Image: The Dodo

They all quickly brought Charlotte over to the Adams County SPCA. Once she was brought in the veterinarians immediately began to look her over. The prognosis wasn’t looking so good…

11. High Fever

Image: The Dodo

When the veterinarians took her temperature, Charlotte’s was at 107 degrees. For the next two weeks, Charlotte stayed in the intensive care unit. She would need to undergo a huge transformation to make it out alive.

10. Intensive Care

Image: The Dodo

For two weeks, Charlotte was unable to eat or drink on her own. She was completely reliant on the staff at the SPCA. However, the staff worked hard to help Charlotte regain her strength.

9. Getting Better

Image: The Dodo

Finally, after spending two weeks in the intensive care unit, Charlotte began to show signs of improvement. All of the staff was excited for her and soon it was time for her to be moved to her forever home.

8. Forever Home

Image: The Dodo

After much improvement, it was time for Charlotte to be relocated to her new forever home. She was moved to the Poplar Spring Animal Sanctuary in Poolesville, Maryland. So how has Charlotte been doing?!

7. Running Around

Image: The Dodo

She is just starting to run and play,” Terry Cummings, director of Poplar Spring, told The Dodo. Charlotte has completely made herself at home at the animal sanctuary.

6. Still Healing

Image: The Dodo

Although her wounds are still healing, she should soon be completely healthy,” the sanctuary wrote on Facebook. The sanctuary is eternally grateful to the family that helped save Charlotte’s life.

5. Grateful

Image: Daily Mail

We are so happy that this family turned around, and that the Adams County SPCA went above and beyond to do everything they could to save her life.” Not only is Charlotte doing much better but she has also made a new friend!

4. New Friend

Image: The Dodo

Charlotte was recently introduced to another rescued pig: Oreo. Oreo and Charlotte hit it off from the beginning and they have been hanging out together non-stop.

3. Warm Welcome

Image: The Dodo

The sanctuary has gone above and beyond to ensure that Charlotte feels safe and comfortable in her new surroundings. “Welcome, Charlotte,” the sanctuary wrote, “you will have a wonderful life here!”

2. Living Large

Image: Animals Australia

Charlotte’s life now consists of running around in the sanctuary, eating a ton of good food, and playing with her new pal, Oreo. She is truly living a great life!

1. Wonderful Family

Image: NRDC

Thanks to one amazing family, Charlotte’s life was spared. Now she gets to live an incredible life out on the sanctuary. It is truly a happy ending!
