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In the world of top tier video gaming, the audiovisual arms race has been running for decades, and developers are expected to produce cutting edge titles that push the envelope in terms of graphics and audio effects every year.

Of course outside of a few blockbuster games, there is also a vast market for experiences that are not so beholden to this trend for bigger and better visuals.

From retro indie side-scrollers to mobile games and free-to-play titles, there are thousands of alternatives that prove you don’t need the flashiest graphics and full orchestral soundtracks to get noticed.

Online casino games arguably fall into this latter category, and while some developers have introduced modern tech like virtual reality to this space, the vast majority of gambling sites are not exactly taxing on the hardware powering them.

So to what extent does it matter how a casino game looks and sounds, and if this is important, why are players drawn to the aesthetics of a gambling experience.


Tradition matters

For a lot of online casino customers, the expectation is that if they play online, they will be able to enjoy the same games as they would at a land-based venue.

Because of this, developers go out of their way to live up to the hype and create games that adhere to the traditions of the casino industry.

There’s a reason that the most appealing slot machine symbols and icons come from a bygone era when playing card designs were commonly found on the reels.

These visual cues are ubiquitous, and without them, players might not be happy with the whole game, no matter how well rounded the rest of the design might be.

That is not to say there are no outliers; modern online slots in particular can embrace a huge range of themes, from Ancient Egypt to superheroes and beyond.

The point is that even in these titles where the graphics and audio effects are so different to what old-school slots offer, the symbols will usually tie back into traditional designs in some way.

Player engagement is essential

Physical slot machines are known for their bright lights, flashing symbols and noisy sound effects. These are all tactics used to grab the attention of casual passersby and ideally get them to spend a bit of cash as a result of this initial ice-breaking moment.

The same applies in the online casino sphere, and it is doubly important for developers to engage players as soon as possible, because there is so much competition in this market and so many other distractions to take into account.

Sure, a slot game could be visually bland and devoid of effects and a soundtrack, and still offer huge jackpots as the main means of tempting players. But clearly it is better for games to do what they can to provide a feast for the eyes and the ears; in a way, the prize money becomes a secondary concern at this point.

Tastes differ

The other role that sound and graphics play in courting customers for online casinos is ensuring that as many different people as possible will be able to find games they enjoy.

We already touched on the different online slot themes that are available earlier, and this certainly helps to mix things up and broaden the appeal of what might otherwise be quite a niche pastime.

Likewise there are identical games which are deliberately presented in different ways by rival sites so that separate demographics are focused on.

For example, some online poker sites will have cartoony graphics and more eye-catching, over-the-top effects, while others will instead opt for a slick, simple, more grown-up look.

People of all ages, from Gen-Z players who are just of an age where they can gamble legally, to Baby Boomers who have been doing it for decades, enjoy online gambling. The diverse array of presentation styles for these games reflects this.

Competition is fierce

The underlying point that rears its head throughout any investigation of how online casino games are presented is that providers need to use every trick in the book to keep customers loyal and prevent them leaving to try out what their rivals have to offer.

So much competition means that bigger and better gaming experiences are arriving in this space regularly, and the sheer volume of new games launched week on week is a signal of just how much work developers are willing to put in to win.

