No matter which industry you are in or the size of your business, email is one of your most vital channels of communication. The average worker reads 121 emails per day and sends about 40, but this number is much, much higher for those in more senior positions. For all of us, emails can be a source of anxiety. This can be doubly true for those sending emails to international audiences, especially when English is not your first language.

Whether you’re a web marketer using email newsletters as your main form of communication, or a busy worker bee emailing with a client in another country, getting the English right the first time will have a hugely positive impact. With that in mind, here are some simple tips for those who don’t have English as their first language and are looking to nail their emails in 2022.


Take some L&D

If you expect to send a lot of emails in the language in your current role, now is the time to invest in some extra training. You can get your business English up to the required standard by taking advanced English classes online, where a dedicated tutor can teach you the essentials at a time that works for you. It might seem cumbersome to head back to English class, but this small investment in your skill development could pay off in the future in a very big way. We all know learning and development is an important part of any successful career, so don’t forget to keep your English skills sharp.


KISS stands for ‘Keep It Short and Simple!’ and is pretty much the guiding principle for any effective email communication in English. Instead of trying to cram in long and wordy phrases, focus on the bare essentials of what you are trying to say. This puts less work on the shoulders of the reader, which they will definitely thank you for, especially if they are reading your email marketing content.

Focus on the verbs

Anyone who is reading an email from you will only have one thought: “what does this person need from me?”. You will want to communicate this clearly and effectively, which is why your use of verbs is important. Before you write the email, think about what it is you are asking of the recipient. Do you want them to sign-up, resend, deliver, invite, cancel, or calculate something, perhaps? Choosing the right verb will ensure that your recipient gets the message.


Manners, please

When writing emails in English, especially if you are addressing a native English speaker, your email manners and etiquette are essential. People are generally less particular about this than they used to be, but some essential rules remain. Always start an email with “Dear Mr/Mrs/Ms/Professor” etc, at least if it is the first time you are communicating with that person. Make sure to properly sign off your emails with a “sincerely”, “regards”, “all the best”, “best wishes”, or similar. These very simple additions will make a big difference.

Look over before sending

Finally, don’t forget to look over your email before you hit “send”! It is easy to forget to do this, especially if you are sending a lot of emails throughout the day. However, just a few seconds spent checking the grammar and syntax of your email could save you a lot of anxiety and inconvenience further down the line.

By following these rules, you can send perfect emails to anyone that conveys exactly what you want them to, regardless of your native language.
