As a person grows older, their bodies begin to show the signs of the aging process. Usually, these signs begin at the face. One of the most noticeable regions of the face to exhibit the signs of aging is the eyebrow area.

As expressive areas of the face that are constantly in motion as we talk and emote, the eyebrow region of your face can age quicker than other areas of your face, drooping down and creating an undesired appearance. Drooping brows can cause people to feel self-conscious about the appearance of looking like one is scowling or frowning, even when they’re not actively trying.

If you have concerns about a drooping brow, there are cosmetic options to get your eyebrows lifted, known as a brow lift.

What Is a Brow Lift?

A brow lift, also known as a forehead lift, is a cosmetic plastic surgery procedure that works to improve the upper area of the face. This includes the brow, eyes, and forehead regions. This is performed by raising and tightening up these areas’ skin, muscles, and tissue, creating a more smoothed out, tight, and younger appearance.

A brow lift can be used to treat the following issues:

Frown lines: Deep vertical lines and creases that form between the brows.

Hooded eyelids: A sagging brow can push the skin in the eyelid region down, giving a drooping effect on the eyes.

Facial wrinkles: A brow lift can help remove fine lines and wrinkles in the areas of the upper face

Uneven features: Brow lifts can more accurately relocate the brows to solve any symmetry issues between them.

Types of Brow Lifts

Open Brow Lift

The open brow lift is the most traditional method of the procedure. This technique uses a single incision along the forehead, usually within the hairline, for discreetness. The muscles are tightened, skin smoothed, and any excess tissue is removed. While still effective, this method has become less popular in recent years in favor of more advanced methods.

Endoscopic Brow Lift

The endoscopic brow lift is a less invasive form of the procedure, using a tool known as an endoscope, an instrument fitted with a light and camera to help the surgeon more easily identify the nerves in the face. This allows for a less invasive procedure and fewer risks associated with damaging any nerves. The downtime of this procedure is usually less than other lifts due to its less invasive nature.

Lateral Brow Lift

A lateral brow lift, also known as a temporal lift, focuses on the lateral brow – the outer portion of the eyebrow. This section, along with eyelids, is some of the sections of our face that people begin to notice drop first. This section does not target the entire forehead region and thus is better suited for those with concerns only of the outer portion of their brows.

Trichophytic Brow Lift

Trichophytic brow lifts are used to treat those with concerns of a high hairline or overly large forehead size. Using an incision, a small section of the skin is removed from the forehead, allowing the brow to be pulled closer to the hairline, creating the appearance of a smaller forehead; while simultaneously treating any concerns of drooping brows in the process.

