Everybody wants to be a winner, especially when it comes to playing online casinos. Whether you’re playing Baccarat in a Thai casino online or betting at the next esports event – we all want to win and win big. But how? How do we do it? How can we play online like a pro (even if we’re not) and still come out as winners?

Once again, we asked our friends and here’s what they had to say on the matter.

Stay away from shady sites

In our previous post, we discussed a bit on reputation when it comes to choosing an online casino. Always play on reputable, trustworthy, legitimate sites. Never play at a blacklisted casino site. Do your background check – always!

Select the right game…

Casino games are generally categorized into two: games of luck and games of chance. You don’t want to leave everything up to chance and lady luck can only smile down at you so much that’s why it’s best to select the games that you know and enjoy playing. As their gameplay comes easy to you, you would have an increased chance of winning since you already are in the right mindset – think like a winner!

…and learn the strategies

For games that require strategy like poker, having a deeper understanding of the game can come in handy. Knowing what moves to make gives you a better chance of winning compared to less-informed players. Learning the strategies doesn’t just mean knowing a specific game, it also means understanding a game’s rules and objectives.

Collect free money

Gambling takes money and online gambling isn’t any different. Collecting free money in the form of bonuses is a good way for players to take in extra cash without any risk. Such bonuses include:

  • Welcome bonus – new online casino players get free credit when they first play.
  • Referral bonus – you receive free credit if a friend you invited to play signs up.
  • Loyalty rewards – if you stick or are playing on a site for a certain period of time, you get bonuses such as points you can exchange for cash or tokens/prizes, free credit, free rounds of play or a combination of these.
  • Free bonus – these are free spins or extra rounds that you can get by simply playing.
  • Deposit bonus – some casinos will top up accounts with free money if a player deposits a specified amount.

Go low

Find a casino that has a low house edge or casino advantage (a house edge is defined as the casino’s profit expressed as the percentage of the player’s original bet). By knowing and playing the games that have a low house edge, you get a bigger payout in the end.

Play within your limits

Remember, gambling can be addicting, especially if you enjoyed the taste of your first win. It’s always best to play within your limits and not to chase losses. While it can be tempting to try out for big jackpots, you have to know the limits of your skills and experience. The bigger the prize money, the more you usually have to shell out, the bigger the pressure – and if you fold, it’s not a pretty picture. Remember, gambling should always be fun and not to be a burden to anyone.

Don’t drink

Don’t drink alcohol, that is. “But I’m playing online!”, you may argue. Whether you’re playing online or onsite, alcohol and gambling don’t mix. Alcohol can dull your senses and decision-making skills and you may end up spending more money than you intended to. Never drink and play. A drunk bet is much worse than a drunk text.

