Do you use your time judiciously and effectively during writing content? If the answer is no, then you really need to make some changes in your work culture to complete your work before the given deadline. You can improve such lousy behavior in your work by taking the help of some innovative tools which are specially made for content writers, novelists and many other people who having a similar profession. These tools are easily available online and the importance of some of these tools are discussed below in detail: –

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This tool is very helpful when during content creation a word is on the tip of your tongue but you are unable to remember it. You just need to type in some letters and it will give you predicted results in the right-hand column.

It is not a complete dictionary but it is a tool to facilitate very fast results by narrowing down to those words which you are looking for. This tool is made by Chirag Gupta.

2 – is a platform for creating lists on any topic which want to write about. This tool not only gives you clues about your topic but also act as a support for getting information about your topics. These are very impressively organized into community generated lists for better user experience.

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