In the realm of bedroom design, the bed is not just a piece of furniture; it’s the cornerstone of the room’s aesthetic and feel. Among the myriad of choices, divan beds stand out as versatile and stylish options. This guide will walk you through the art of designing your bedroom using divan beds, combining practicality with panache.

Understanding Divan Beds

Before diving into design strategies, let’s understand what makes divan beds unique. A divan bed combines a base and a mattress, where the base usually has a wooden frame covered in fabric and often comes with built-in storage. This design offers both a sophisticated look and practical utility, making it a popular choice for various bedroom styles.

Why Choose a Divan Bed?

  1. Space Efficiency: Built-in storage drawers or an ottoman-style base provide excellent space-saving solutions.
  2. Customizable Design: With a range of fabrics, colours, and headboard styles, divan beds can be tailored to fit any bedroom aesthetic.
  3. Comfort and Durability: The sturdy construction ensures both comfort and longevity.

Step-by-Step Guide to Designing Your Bedroom with a Divan Bed

Step 1: Selecting the Right Divan Bed

Size and Scale

Consider the size of your room and the scale of the bed. A king-size divan might be luxurious but could overwhelm a small room, while a single or double could be perfect for compact spaces.

Style and Fabric

Choose a style and fabric that complements your bedroom’s decor. From luxurious velvet to practical leather, the options are vast.

Storage Options

Decide on the type of storage that suits your needs. Drawers are great for easy access, while an ottoman base offers more space.

Step 2: Positioning Your Divan Bed

Focal Point

Place your bed in a position where it becomes the room’s focal point, ideally against the main wall or a window with a view.


Ensure there’s enough space to walk around the bed and access the storage drawers or ottoman base comfortably.

Step 3: Choosing a Colour Palette

Harmony and Contrast

Select a colour palette that harmonizes with your divan bed. If your bed is in a neutral tone, you might opt for bold wall colours or vice versa.


Consider using layered bedding in complementary colours to add depth and texture to the bed.

Step 4: Selecting the Right Bedding

Comfort is Key

Invest in high-quality, comfortable bedding. Consider materials like Egyptian cotton or silk for a luxurious feel.

Style Statement

Use bedding to make a style statement. Patterns, prints, or a pop of colour can add character to your bedroom.

Step 5: Accessorizing Your Bed

Pillows and Throws

Add a mix of throw pillows and a stylish blanket or throw for an inviting look.

Headboard as a Canvas

If your divan bed has a plain headboard, consider it a canvas for creativity. You can upholster it with a unique fabric or add decorative elements.

Step 6: Complementing Furniture

Matching or Contrasting

Choose bedside tables, dressers, and wardrobes that either match or tastefully contrast with your divan bed.

Functionality and Aesthetics

Ensure the additional furniture is not just aesthetically pleasing but also functional, offering additional storage or utility.

Step 7: Lighting and Ambiance

Mood Lighting

Use lighting to create ambiance. Bedside lamps, pendant lights, or wall sconces can add both style and functionality.

Natural Light

Maximize natural light during the day for a fresh, airy feel in your bedroom.

Step 8: Adding Personal Touches

Artwork and Photographs

Decorate the walls with artwork or photographs that reflect your personality and tie the room’s design together.

Rugs and Curtains

Rugs and curtains can add warmth and texture, complementing the bed and the overall room design.


Designing your bedroom around a divan bed offers a blend of style, comfort, and practicality. By carefully selecting the right bed, coordinating colours and textures, and adding personal touches, you can transform your bedroom into a sanctuary that reflects your personal style and meets your functional needs. Remember, your bedroom is not just a place to sleep; it’s a reflection of your personality and a space where design meets comfort.

