Why Do We Do CrossFit?
We hear it all the time. Are you guys mad? Why would you do that? Or, doesn’t that hurt? The short answer is, yes, because we’re hooked and yeah sometimes! But to really understand why we have so many committed CrossFitters at our box, we thought we’d share some insight on a recent tournament held in Midland.
On the June long weekend, 36 athletes represented CrossFit Access in the Three v Three Showdown at Midland Railway Workshops. Teams were same sex threes, ranging from our superMums, smashing teens, elite RX athletes and masters. The event was split across two days, with our masters and intermediate athletes up first on the Saturday and our beginners and RX (elite) athletes on Sunday. It was an amazing weekend of hard work, high emotions and not a single comfort zone.
It was an early start, no hiding that one! That being said, a 5am coffee drunk with one eye half open is enough to get our crew moving. One by one they arrive at the event, most questioning their life decision of why they’d signed up for such an ordeal. But from the moment they walk in, it starts to disappear. The scene of the rig and the weights laid out, the rapidly growing atmosphere and the buzz around all team members sets in. For some it’s their first time, for others it’s another great experience they’ll never forget. It’s game day!

Our athletes go through their pre-game rituals. Some stretching and moving around, others clutching desperately to their second or third coffee. The first event is announced and our athletes start planning how they’ll tackle it together. This workout required all three members to be in sync doing chin ups, push ups and squats, although our beginners could help each other through the chin ups. Sounds painful, but the teams work together and get through it. When it’s not their turn, they’re screaming encouragement for other teams as we all push ourselves through the 15 minutes. Just like that – one down, three to go!
The next three events challenged our athletes in different ways. The teams weren’t to be beaten though, as they worked out who was good at what and divided the work up best they could. The weights were often heavier than our athletes hoped they’d be, yet they still pushed themselves while racing the clock. One exercise required pushing a heavy kettlebell 40 times above their heads, before unloading anything they had left on a rower. Many of them practically fell off the rowing machine, but all of them were so satisfied to have done the job for their team.
In one workout, one of our teams were the last in their heat to finish. But since they didn’t believe they were going to finish the workout in the time cap, they were actually doing great. Once other athletes had finished, they didn’t just walk away – CrossFitters get behind everyone. The other athletes and judges from that heat, plus many of our other members were all willing them on. Our team managed to do what they never thought they could do and finish the workout in the time cap. When they dropped the bar for the last time, they received a welcome roar and embraced hugs and high fives from other CrossFitters. This was one of many proud moments for our athletes, reminding them all why they do CrossFit.

Throughout the day our teams continue to do things they never thought they could achieve. The adrenaline fueled workouts, sheer determination and constant willing from the crowd drive them to finish the competition. It’s not just their teammates and other CrossFitters cheering them on, but their family members too. One of our mums got a trophy from her young son, which emptied out our supply of Kleenex Ultra Soft. One of our athletes’ fathers looked at his son after a workout and said yep, I’m doing CrossFit with you now! This is why we do CrossFit.
Whether you’re old, young, a mother of three, overweight, or an elite athlete, there’s no pre-requisite for CrossFit. All our athletes are normal people like you, willing to try something new, push themselves out of their comfort zone and be a part of an awesome community that’s growing each day. On top of all that, they’re getting fit healthy from even just a few one hour sessions a week. If this sounds like something you could try, then why not come down for a free intro session. It’s as simple as clicking here.