Yes these controversial illustrations are a little bit on the cheeky side, we can’t even show any ads on the page. Yet more importantly these illustrations offer a interesting and thought provoking take on the many failings of modern society. These failings have been rather remarkably expressed via illustration and design.

Controversial Illustrations Depicting The Ugly Side Of Modern Society

Controversial Illustrations Depicting The Ugly Side Of Modern Society by Graphic Artist Luis Quile

Our society isn’t always the best, there are many dirty and ugly things about our society that may evoke strong emotions in many people around the world. So much so that Spanish artist Luis Quile, has created a series of powerful and disturbing illustrations that show the true ugly side of modern society.

Luis hasn’t gone lightly on the topics he’s chosen either. Luis Quile frequently produces artistic designs that illustrate sexism, homophobia, exploitation and violence to name but a few types of the controversial illustrations he produces.

Controversial Illustrations Depicting The Ugly Side Of Modern Society

His various controversial illustrations range from the egotistical nature of Instagram, children starving in third world countries, females being sexually exploited and many more attention grabbing artworks which make you think twice about the society we live in. It seems that for all of the good in the world there is an awful lot of bad out there, which is disturbing in itself.

If you go to his profile you can see more of his works regarding modern society. Be warned many of these illustrations and designs by Luis are not work safe and are not suitable for minors! All images are the copyright of Luis, please visit his page to see more.

Sell Your Soul to Instagram

Well many people do, in fact Instagram features a depressing number of people willing to boast about their wealth and good fortune on social media. As depicted in this controversial illustration by popular Spanish artist Luis Quile.

Instagram Whores : Luis Quile

Sell Your Soul on Instagram? Many do and they think it is perfectly ok to do so.

Censuring of News and Public Opinion

Censuring of News and Public Opinion

Why can’t we just all love our partners in life instead of trying to mould them like objects and fashion accessories, not cool by any measure.

Controlling of Women

Controlling of Women

Some people will do ‘anything’ to get noticed, so called ‘celebrity culture’ is symptomatic of this, particularly on popular social media platforms where fame hungry wannabes proliferate. It wouldn’t be so bad but even tabloids like the Daily Mail exploit this lust and hunger for celebrity.

Social Media Attention Seekers

Social Media Attention Seekers

In certain areas of the world children are sadly still used in underage labor and in various conflicts that still incredibly persist well into the 21’st Century. This controversial illustration depicts their enduring hardship and misery.

Child Exploitation and Child Soldiers

Child Exploitation and Child Soldiers

When Big Fish Eat Little Fish

The strong always consume the weak. While it may always have been so, it does not make it right. The empire building of old may have been understandable but modern day business is little different. Big fish eats the little fish every time.

When Big Fish Eat Little Fish

When Big Fish Eat Little Fish

Is This What The Bible Preaches?

How can it be that among the riches found in western society that people in some parts of the world are still starving?

controversial illustrations : Is This What The Bible Preaches?

Is This What The Bible Preaches?

Overhyped and Overpaid

How can it be right that sports stars who do little more than kick a ball can be paid many hundreds of times more that doctors, teachers and serving soldiers? Go figure in this crazy world.

Overhyped and Overpaid

Overhyped and Overpaid

Just Because You Don’t Like It…

Sexual preference, choice of religion of lifestyle. These are all reasons for persecution. Both historically and in the modern age.

Just Because You Don't Like It...

Just Because You Don’t Like It…

Overstepping the Boundaries of Faith

Overstepping the Boundaries of Faith

Trivializing Conflict

War is a serious business. When you get hit in the real world you don’t get up. Conflict is no game so wake up.

Trivializing Conflict

Trivializing Conflict

The Power of Women Who Manipulate Men

Most women are decent human beings with fantastic morals and awesome, warm personalities. A small minority grow up to be complete golddiggers and serial manipulators. Normally they are a parasitic type, blessed with attractive looks but a cold, icy heart. The men who encounter them discover this to their cost.

The Power of Women Who Manipulate Men

The Power of Women Who Manipulate Men

Dependency on Pills and Medicines

When we are ill, we are ill and we need proper treatment. More disturbing though are those unfortunates who depend on prescription medicines both legal and illegal. Along with those who exploit this enduring need.

Dependency on Pills and Medicines

Dependency on Pills and Medicines
