It’s the end of the year where you get the chance to grab new customers and reach new heights. Yup, it’s festival time where people spend more than at any time of the year. If you are running a small business, you can attract a lot of new customers by providing them with what they want.


In this article, we will be listing the best festival marketing tips for small business. By following the tips, you will be able to maximize sales and lead generation. So, what are the tips? Let’s list them below.

1. Know your audience

The first tip is to know your audience. Which festival are you going to? Is it a music festival or a sports festival? By knowing about your audience correctly can change how you can target them. You need to create a customer profile and list their needs, pains, and liking. Once you do so, you will be able to strategize your plans accordingly and offer services and solutions that they want. Also, it will help you to foster a long-term relationship with your customer by showing them that you have done your research and understood their pains and is trying to solve them.


For example, in sports festival, most of the people find it hard to get a good deal of basketballs or maybe other sports item. By understanding their pain or what they need, you can connect directly with them by offering items.

2. Promote before the festival starts

Promoting your presence in the festival can change how your business performs in the event. You can promote your presence by creating videos or publishing ads. You can also opt for using the festival’s flyer where your name is listed.


You should also take advantage of your online presence including your website and social media platforms. Have a look at this link of Hostinger’s Black Friday plans and get an idea on how to take advantage of festive seasons.

3. Collaborating

Even though the current market landscape is all about competition, collaboration with the right business can propel your business in the right direction. The best way to approach this is to find out a company that complements your service or product that you offer. This means that you should neglect companies that are in direct competition to you.


Collaboration can be done in many ways. One way to collaborate is to share the space and split the cost of the booth. This is ideal for small business who generally don’t have money to invest in festival events. Also, by doing so, you are getting 2x the visitors that you were getting in the first place.

4. Takeaways

People come to your booth if they find something interesting. You can further incentivize the behavior by adding takeaways to your booth. For example, you can give the booth attendees a coupon code or better give them some tangible thing that they can carry with them. You can give them t-shirts, brochure, business card, a hat and much much more!  The purpose of this is to improve your business reach within the festival, and that’s why giving a wearable can improve your business outlook.

5. Product and service demonstration

Product and service demonstration should be carried out by every business who is attending the event. However, many companies still ignore it. People love demonstration. That’s why you should design a demonstration that would easily attract people to your booth.


For example, if you are selling a cute little AI-powered robot, then you might give the audience to interact with it. This way you create interactivity and also entertain your audience. However, if you are a service provider like website hosting provider, then you may want to showcase things such as ease of use, website loading and other aspects of your service that makes it unique compared to others.

6. Ensure that people are lead to your booth

Festivals tend to be crowded. As a small business, it might make things difficult for you depending on the location of your booth. Regardless of where your booth location is, you need to work proactively on bringing people to the booth. You can do it easily by using posters, flyers and even vinyl banners. However, you need to use them strategically and ensure that they provide you positive result and doesn’t turn people away from your booth.

7. Fun and interactive

You should make interaction with your audience funny and interactive. To make it interesting, you should do fun activities such as contests, trivia, and other small games that can be carried without disturbing others.

8. Convert people into buyers

Give the people visiting your booth, a strong reason to buy your product or service. You can do so by giving them coupons or invest their emotions in the right place so that they make the purchase immediately.

9. Collect customer information and analyze results

The festival will give you the opportunity to collect tons of useful information. You will find a lot of people interested in your product and would fill their contact information if asked. You can collect information in two ways. The first way is to make them fill a form. However, it is not that effective, and it can turn off many people. The other way is to make them participate in activities such as contests. They will readily give you their information if your contest is exciting and offer a good prize.

10. Promote your brand after festival ends

The last tip that we want to share is the post-festival marketing. You interacted with tons of people and had captured a lot of media in the form of video, photos, and audio. Now, you can use the selected media in promoting your product. You can use them on your website or share it through your social media profile. The choice depends on you!


This leads us to the end of the best festival marketing tips for small business. If you think that you benefitted after reading the article, don’t forget to comment and share.


Author Bio:


Catherrine Garcia is a professional writer and currently works at WPCodingDev Ltd., an ideal place to hire experienced WordPress developer from the team of 150 experts. She along with her group of freelance developers, are experts of creating Websites on CMS.
