When it comes to commercial doors for businesses, there are numerous options. Despite the many advantages of using wood, aluminum, or glass, more commercial buildings are resorting to various forms of hollow metal door frames.

If you’re thinking about modifying your business facilities, consider checking if a hollow metal door frame is suitable for your needs.

What is a Hollow Metal Door Frame

Hollow metal frames are robust and long-lasting. Cold-rolled or galvanized steel is bent to form a metal door frame during production. According to a professional locksmith in Avon, you can use them for interior and exterior openings in commercial structures such as offices, hospitals, schools, and residential complexes.

Additionally, it has panels made of laminated steel. Notably, doors made of hollow metal can endure prolonged use. To achieve a desirable look, a hollow metal door frame can alternatively be finished with plastic laminate, stainless steel, or wood veneer.

If you’re planning on getting one, here is a list of metal door frame types that you should be familiar with:

Single Rabbet

A rabbet is the space between the stop and the face of the frame where the panel, door, or glass is held. These are employed for aesthetic purposes or to accommodate minimal jamb depths. A single-rabbet metal door frame features only one rabbet on which the closed door rests.

Double Rabbet

Rabbets can be either equal or uneven. The thickness of the door determines the size of the rabbets; however, frames with equal rabbets typically have two identical spaces. The most common door frame profile is a double rabbet, which consists of two rabbets separated by a stop.

Cased Open

A cased open profile frame is virtually flat; there is no integrated stop, giving the opening a clean design. These frames are ideal for double swinging doors with rescue hardware that allows the door to swing in both directions.

Double Egress

Since the stops are opposite, door frames with a double egress profile resemble a flight of stairs running in opposite directions. This design allows a pair of steel doors to be integrated within the same frame and swing in opposite directions.

Hollow Metal Frame Anchor Variations

Knowing the proper anchor for your hollow metal doors is critical for installing them anywhere. Here are some options to choose from:

  • Wire Masonry – Wire masonry is the most widely utilized anchor for new masonry walls. You can modify this anchor to fit the frame’s jamb depth as needed.
  • Wood Stud – Two steel tabs are attached to wood stud anchors. These tabs fold over the stud’s face and adhere to it.
  • Universal Stud – Universal studs are a combination of two stud anchors that you can use on any stud wall.
  • Steel Stud – Steel stud anchors are formed by pressing a bent steel plate against the stud.
  • Punch and Dimple Anchors – You can use these masonry anchors in openings where the frame is already installed, and the block walls are up.

Advantages of Using Hollow Metal Door Frames

Although your company’s requirements and financial constraints will play a key role in determining the best commercial door, hollow metal door frames are an excellent investment. Here are some of the advantages of hollow metal door frames:

1. Enhanced Security.

While the name may be misleading, a hollow metal door frame is more durable than most other door materials. The buffer gap between panels strengthens these doors, which are made of robust steel. As a result, many modern facilities and commercial buildings rely on them to cover the majority of critical access points.

2. Long-Term Durability

Since hollow metal door frames are highly durable, they are a popular choice for many enterprises and buildings. These doors are designed to withstand external variables such as water, humidity, temperature fluctuations, high winds, and more. In fact, hollow metal door frames are likely to last for many years without major damage.

3. Low Price

In comparison to other alternatives, they are relatively inexpensive. This is especially true when you consider their numerous advantages. The vast range of standard fitting options makes installation simple, lowering labor costs entirely. They are inexpensive to service and maintain because they are long-lasting and require little upkeep.

4. Aesthetic Effect

Although the primary objective of hollow metal door frames is to provide security, this does not mean you have to sacrifice aesthetic appeal. Metal doors are available in various colors to complement the exterior and interior of your structure.

Key Takeaway

It’s worth noting, though, that hollow metal doors and frames are a significant investment. Compared to other alternatives, they are relatively cost-effective. This is especially true aside from the advantages mentioned above. To sum it up, hollow metal door frames are standard in commercial use for good reason. They’ve got their work cut out for them in terms of safety, durability, adaptability, and more.

