Choosing the proper gloves for a job can make a big difference both in comfort and safety. Having the right gloves for a particular job can make it go far easier and quicker. One significant choice is whether to purchase fingerless or full gloves.

One thing to keep in mind is that fingerless gloves have made a comeback in fashion. Once an iconic symbol of hobos in 20th century literature, the fingerless gloves has become the glove of choice in certain sports and hobbies, as well as a fashion statement. While we’ve explored the work benefits of fingerless gloves, fashionable gloves can now be found in fingerless varieties as well.

Full Gloves

Full gloves will always offer the best whole-hand protection. If you’re looking at a project requiring a lot of hands-on work that is blister producing – yard work such as raking and pruning; or construction projects requiring extended hammer and tool use – full gloves will protect your fingertips. Aside from blistering from repetitive action, full gloves can also help protect you from sudden injury like grasping thorns or an errant hammer blow.

Another thing to consider is whether you’ll be needing to use anything with a touch screen during your project. There are gloves available with fingertip pads that register to smartphones and other devices with touch screens. However, this is not normally the case with heavier work gloves. Not only is it impossible to use touchscreens with full gloves, but you’ll also find you’re ability to perform fine motor skills we be negatively impacted. So unless you truly need the protection of full gloves, you may find them so inconvenient to wear that you find yourself taking them off frequently.

Fingerless Gloves

Fingerless gloves on the other hand, allow for far better use of your fingers. If you need to write frequently or need to grasp small objects, mens fingerless gloves might be a better buy. You’ll still have the palm gripping power of a good glove, but your fingers will be free to do more dexterous, detailed work. One thing to consider with fingerless gloves though is that they will be less effective keeping your hands warm. So take that into consideration.

Also keep in mind that fingerless gloves are obviously not air tight. This makes them largely useless if you’re looking for some type of protective gear from illness, bacteria or germs.

Which is Better?

As you can see, better is a subjective word. It truly depends on having the right tool for the right job. For glove reviews and reviews on related products, find a good comparison guide site like toptenthebest where someone has already done the homework for you to make an informed decision. Aside from fingerless or not, other considerations should include the material the gloves are made of, how stiff they are, how warm and how well they breath.
