The winter months can feel like torture for those whose passion lies in the garden. You look out the window as your yard becomes buried with snow and ice. You know that, deep below, is the soil that you’ll tend with gusto come spring time. However if you follow these winter garden tips the time in the cold can be much better spent.

So be assured that the winter months don’t have to go to waste. In fact for many garden designers, winter is the ideal time of year to begin organizing and planning your treasured lawn and garden in readiness for spring. Especially if you want to try something different next year or create a new flower bed or raised bed for vegetables.

Winter Gardening Tips

The crisp embrace of winter is an opportunity for keen gardeners and homemakers to prepare their garden for spring

Top Winter Garden Tips

So don’t let the winter blues deter you from gardening. Utilize some of these unique winter gardening tips. Then be ready to tackle your spring garden in just a few months time when the weather warms. In fact there is no need to face spring unprepared.

Once the snow and frost retreats with a little foresight and advance preparation your prized garden can be in tip top condition once it starts to warm up. Just follow some of these winter garden tips and you will be well on your way.

Order Garden Supplies

What better way to spend a snowy day than browsing seed catalogs and websites. Ordering your seeds online is a great way to have access to a larger inventory than your local home and garden store. Plus if you want to plant some of the more rare flowers or heirloom vegetables, it’s often only a few sellers who carry these varieties.

Garden Seeds

You don’t need a greenhouse to start seedlings while it’s still cold outside. Start your seeds in containers according to the directions on the packet. Once your seeds are in the soil they’ll need to remain in a warm area of the house, so many people use the kitchen. As soon as they sprout they can be moved to a portion of the house that receives more light.

Most seedlings can be started 6 weeks prior to the last frost in your area then moved outside. Also, don’t forget to label what you’ve planted.

Arrange for Needed Garden Services

Spring yard work isn’t always about flowers and vegetables. You need to make sure that your lawn and trees are cared for as well. Look for lawn care in Brampton services and ask about the best time to have your lawn professionally tended to. Book an appointment if possible, as spring is one of the busiest times of the year for lawn care professionals.

Sketch Out Some Landscape Designs

You don’t need to be an artist to create a simple sketch to represent the changes you’ll make. Or the areas you need to focus on in your spring garden. If you already have established perennial flower beds that have already gone to seed then mark that with the type of flower. Then if you want to add something complementary you’ll have a rough idea of what it will look like.

Take Inventory of Your Garden Tools

Shop online or head out to your local lawn and garden store to find the garden tools and accessories that you need

When spring arrives there’s nothing more frustrating than getting yourself all geared up for the task at hand. Only to find that your hoe has a broken handle or you can’t find your garden trowel anywhere. This is a great time to take inventory of all of your tools to ensure they’re in good condition and everything is accounted for.

If you find that some items do need to be replaced or you need a specialized tool for a new gardening project you’ve planned then now is the time to shop. You can shop online or head out to your local lawn and garden store to find the garden tools and accessories you need, and perhaps some things you didn’t even know you needed. You have time to do your research over the winter so that you can find out about the best cordless leaf blowers for example. Use these winter garden tips now and you will feel a great sense of achievement next season.

Good Things Come to Those Who Wait

It might feel like all you’ve been doing is waiting. Yet after you’ve done all of the gardening preparations you can it really is time to wait. Be sure to keep an eye on your seedlings, make sure you’ve ordered any seeds or materials that you’ll need, and, depending on the growing region you live in, it’s simply a matter of weeks or another month or so before you can get started. You can do it!

Gardening is such a passion for so many people and they often lament the arrival of winter more than most. Use the winter months wisely to ensure that you’re ready to dive back into your passion as soon as the last frost has come and gone. 
