As kitchens are the heart of the home, you have to consider all the details when it comes to design. Whether your home is large and expansive or small and minimalist, how you design the interior layout will make all the difference in getting the most out of the space. In fact, the New York Times says homeowners are looking for more concepts for their kitchen design than just placing appliances and cabinetry. So, if you’re planning a home renovation or simply designing a new cooking space, these tips will help you create a kitchen you’ll love.

Choose a focal point

When planning a kitchen renovation, many elements will need to come together as a whole. Start by picking one focal point within your kitchen design that will draw the eyes’ attention and make a bold statement. Whether it’s fancy flooring, backsplash tiles, or bright kitchen cabinets, opt for an interesting feature that will serve as the focus of the space.

Be smart with kitchen appliances 

Whether you have a large family or cooking for one, consider your most often-used appliances.
For example, choosing the best refrigerator means finding the ‘right’ fridge that suits your home and lifestyle. As one of the most important long-term investments, it is important to understand what features you want and the performance you’re looking for. Not to mention, the size and volume will be other important considerations as you don’t want to end up paying more than you need.

Focus on traffic flow

When organizing a functional kitchen space, consider how and where you will use items. You can store essential tools in the space around the range or place a shelf beside the stove to keep cooking oils, spices, and utensils ready at hand. Once you determine the designated place for each task, you can create a multi-functional area without any wasted space.

Eliminate cleaning time 

Ergonomic designs make kitchen cleaning easier. For example, matte finishes won’t show as much dirt when compared to glossy countertops. Meanwhile, glass shelves will catch spills that wire shelves let through. When organizing your food storage areas, place frequently used items within reach.
Designing your kitchen space can feel intimidating, especially if you don’t know where to start. Take time to understand what you want and design your kitchen to suit your family’s unique wants and needs.