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One of the many things that are gaining popularity significantly throughout the world is the concept of Green Energy. This is a type of energy that is acquired from natural resources such as water, sunlight and wind. As mentioned in this article, there are two types of energy industries can use, namely renewable and green.

The main point in using them is because they are not harmful to the environment, and do not release any of the many harmful greenhouse gases that negatively affect the air and environment or atmosphere.

One of the best sources to invest in, to be part of this noteworthy shift, is that of solar energy or solar panels. We discuss this briefly and mention a few things about them that you may not have known.

How Solar Panels Work

The basic idea behind these is that they take the power from the sun and use it to produce electricity. This is done through a group of cells, connected to each other via an electrical circuit.

Not only is this a great way to become eco-friendly in your operations, be it in a commercial or domestic setting, but it is also cost-effective, can be placed on most types of roofs and lasts a very long time.

Since the 19th century this idea has been used by many, however not enough industries have used it, but now with the global concerns, we may be at threat of facing, such as climate change or air, water and land pollution, to name a few: it is no wonder people are heeding to the call to try and save the planet as best as possible.

It is Free and Renewable

Once you have installed the panels, you will not need to spend any more money on electricity bills and dealing with electricity companies anytime something goes wrong. The added advantage is, of course, you reducing your carbon footprint. It is a win-win.

Opting for this helps save over 30 million tons of carbon dioxide being emitted into the environment, and in only the span of an hour, you can harness on average over 110 terawatts of energy from the sun.

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The Two Types of Panels

Most people don’t know this, but there are two different options you can go with. One is the thermal panels which heat water by using heat from the sun, while the other is known as ‘Photovoltaic’ which is commonly used for electricity usage, you can learn more bout this from any Solar Panels CA company and if you are not sure which one you want, they can help you to decide on the best one for you based on your needs as well as your budget.

Does It Take A lot of Maintenance?

The simple answer to this is – no. You would not need to do any cleaning up or fixing it, however in the event something does break or a panel weakens and gets loose, due to harsh weather the you would need to call out a maintenance company. Usually the place you bought it from would be able to provide the service or recommend someone.

If you are keen on getting your hands dirty, then you can clean the panels once in a while, but always be careful when climbing onto your roof as it could be slippery or the tiles could be unstable. Its best to leave it leave it to the experts.

Direct Sunlight is Not A Necessity

There is a common misconception that solar panels need direct sunlight, however this is not always the case. There is no doubt you can derive the maximum efficiency when it does get direct heat from the sun, however on days when it is cloudy, it will still give off electricity.

There is a battery storage system that is also installed with them to help with this making it completely independent.

The great thing about this technology is that it can be used almost anywhere and is highly versatile. Not only can domestic and commercial properties take advantage of it but they can also be installed on bridges, roads, lamp posts, satellites and more. The panels themselves are portable because they are light weight.


