Travelers Make Friends With A Stray Puppy And Soon Realize It Was The Best Thing They’ve Ever Done
4. The Good Samaritan
The couple spent an awful week trying to find someone to take them to Orei and then back to Corfu. The last resort was to rent a car. But Gina didn’t have a license and her boyfriends was expired. Finally, they asked one of their closest friends to drive them the 7 hours to Orei and then back to Corfu, all in a day. Their friend had to cancel going to a party he’d been looking forward to for weeks. He sighed, but knowing how much it meant to them, he agreed.
A week later, they caught a ferry to a foreign Greek town and rented a car, drove 7 hours on winding cliff top dust tracks, took two ferries there, and eventually turned up that afternoon. Spud lost his mind from happiness once he saw them and they all rejoiced. This is him finally taking a nap (and allowing others to do the same).