20. Into The Wild


Far from the civilized world, where the rules of society do not apply, survival of fittest is still the norm. For this Zebra foal, it was just another day of exploring which turned into a nightmarish lesson. He is not trying to pull off a somersault, and Zebras are not known for their acrobatic skills. This little guy is in danger, and things don’t look good for him.

19. The Attack


Hollywood might think of Zebras as fun loving peaceful characters, but the attacker probably isn’t a big Hollywood fan. Zebras don’t hold back when it comes to rivalry. This male zebra, located in Etosha National Park in Namibia, decided to drown his rival’s foal. The worse thing is, the foal was completely caught of guard.

18. The Little Guy In Danger


Daniel Tjarnen, a railway worker on vacation, captured this violent event. He considered it to be a “once in a lifetime” experience. The little foal gave it his all, but he was no match for the attacker. Daniel recalls how the foal struggled to break free from the captor as many of the spectators cried out in horror.

17. A Normal Day In The Park


When the tour group was heading towards the park’s watering hole, they were hoping to see some predators that are known to roam the area. Most were not sure if they would like to see those predators in action. They were happy to see the small group of Zebras at first, grazing and having a drink. It was a pretty sight and most of them were amazed by it, until the unimaginable happened.

16. Not So Normal After-All


But this is the wild after all, and things never remain the same for long. The surprise turned into shock when they saw a male Zebra attacking a young member of the group. Daniel was capturing the Zebras and he continued capturing the “way of nature.”

As the angry zebra male took out its frustration on the little baby, the group watched, horrified.

15. Mommy’s Here


The tour guides were also in shock and awe, as this was new for them, too. The Park is famous for its wildlife and when in the wild, you never know what you might witness. The mother of the foal who was watching in shock along with everyone else finally recovered and stepped in. She desperately tried to push the angry male off her baby. Thankfully, this rare occasion was caught on camera.

14. Despair and desperation


While Daniel was capturing the scene, the zebra foal tried running away from the attacker in despair, and he failed as the attacker pursued. Then, noticing the seriousness of the situation, the mother Zebra joined the action. But her desperate attempts to save her young from the rival male seemed to be in vain. Daniel and the other spectators kept watching, hoping for a miracle that seemed unlikely.

13. Turning The Tables


Many of the tourists wanted to intervene and help the foal. His life hanging in the balance, the baby held onto the edges of the watering hole trying not to drown. They didn’t want to watch without intervening, but a dramatic turn of events changed their minds.

12.Gaining The Upper Hand


Desperate to save her little one, the mother zebra ramped up her attack on the out-of-control male. The attacker was momentarily forced off the foal and as the black and white blur got a bit more incomprehensible, a new battle between the mother and the attacker had began. The mother seemed to be giving it her all in the fight for her foal’s life.

11. The Fight Continues


Even though the mother entered the water and took the fight to the attacker, the attacker continued his assault. He seemed to have made up his mind and was determined to send the foal to rest with the fishes. The spectators hoped for the things to settle and the mother to save her kid, but it was still an unsure situation.

10. The Wild Is Big And Full Of Predators


The mother was able to force the attacker out of the water, but she had to pursue him doing so. Although the attacker’s attention was diverted away from the foal, it didn’t help that the foal was now left stranded, thrashing in the water. It looked like he was either going to drown or be devoured by some other predator.

This little family just couldn’t catch a break.

9. The Return of the Zebra


But before the predators could join the fight, the attacker changed his strategy and lunged towards the terrified baby after breaking free from the mother. Baring his teeth, looking to finish what he started, he looked pure evil at this point. The mother watched in horror as he gained the upper hand simply by the distance he put between the mother and the baby.

8. The Struggle


The attacker bit down on the foal in the middle of the water. The baby cried in pain and tried making its way to the bank where the anxious mother was nervously awaiting. The bully did not seem to approve of the plan though, and the baby’s cries intensified along with his efforts.

7. The Strength Of Unity


The baby kept pushing his way towards the bank amidst the thrashing water even as the water turned into a violent spectacle of foam and terrified screams. The mother was ready at the bank, having composed herself to attack the attacker and to get the foal to safety for once and all.

6. Never Give Up


The foal knew that giving up meant giving up on his life, so without waiting for a motivational speech, he made a run for the bank and the attacker pursued. Finally, the kid made it out of the water. The struggle was not yet over for him though, and the attacking male sinked its teeth in for another bite! But the attacker, intent on the baby, overlooked the mom, who, by now, was just a few feet away. The male zebra, focused on the baby, had no idea what was coming for him.

5. Back To The Future Safety


The mother attacked again, and by this time, the baby was on the ground. So when it was able to break free, thanks to the mother, it ran as fast as possible. The attacker, bewildered by the sudden turn in the event, was left to follow. But he had to get past the mother first, and he finally started to look tired of all the hard fighting.

4. Beware Of Mom


The foal knew what was required of him and kept running away. The mother finally had enough, and with her foal now safe, she launched a full-on attack on the male Zebra. The enraged mother willing to attack is not something the male zebra had anticipated and he looked stumped. He was about to learn an extremely valuable lesson.

3. Change Of Plans


The male zebra, however, knew his way out. He also knew that he could still kill the foal, and he seemed intent on doing it. He rushed towards the baby, away from the mother, gnashing his teeth. 

2. The Zebra Chan


The mother raced and got to the baby and the attacker. And with a move that would make Jackie Chan proud, she swiftly kicked the menacing male with all her strength. The attacker stumbled for a moment, trying to make sense of what just happened. Martial arts is not something he was aware of.

1. The Great Escape


That incredible kick made the Zebra forget what he was doing for some time. Taking full advantage of the lapse in his concentration on killing the baby, the mom and baby decided to make a run for it. The bully, having received a painful lesson, decided that he had enough and did not pursue the protective mom and the terrified foal as they escaped in the wilderness, cheered on by Daniel and his group.

