Travelers Make Friends With A Stray Puppy And Soon Realize It Was The Best Thing They’ve Ever Done

13. When The Storm Came

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Once, while Gina was thankfully on shore, they were hit by a terrible storm. Gina recalls the storm was so bad that they could not see 10 feet in front of them. The boat anchors slipped and were hitting the quay. As Gina raced to turn on the boat’s engines, securing ropes and adjusting fenders, Spud followed her all the while. Finally she picked him up and ran onto their boat, put him in their toilet cubical while the engine roared and the waves crashed around the boat.

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Kimberly Atwood’s books have received starred reviews in Publishers Weekly, Library Journal, and Booklist. Kimberly lives in the Rocky Mountains with her husband, an exceptionally perfect dog, and an attack cat. Before she started writing historical research, Kimberly got a graduate degree in theoretical physical chemistry from Ohio State University. After that, just to shake things up, she went to law school at the University of London and graduated summa cum laude. Then she did a handful of clerkships with some really important people who are way too dignified to be named here. She was a law professor for a while. She now writes full-time.

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