Getting presents for a special woman in your life, be it a friend, family member, or spouse, can be tricky and tough. It’s not that there’s a shortage of options out there, but the problem is coming up with a present that’s thoughtful and special – anyone can get someone a cute bracelet and call it a day, but the true art of gift giving is in making sure the bracelet is more thoughtful than generic – that’s what sets apart the good presents from the amazing ones.

One thing should be kept in mind though – you can never go wrong with getting someone flowers, no matter the occasion. Be it a lovely batch of anniversary flowers or a bunch of roses for Valentine’s day, or a small bouquet of someone’s favorite flowers for their birthday, flowers are almost always welcome. It’s even more dramatic if the flowers show up on your door with a sweet note, and you’re never out of options when you have multiple online stores offering budget-friendly flower delivery and same day delivery, even.

Now, without more delay, let’s talk about the perfect presents for her!

Cool Art or Prints

If you’re looking for something unique and out of the box, how about getting your loved one some art? It can be anything from custom made portraits by an artist you hired specially for the occasion, or digital prints from an online shop or from an artist’s own page.

Don’t worry – art isn’t always expensive, and there are multiple places online where you can buy art on a budget. If you’re still confused, this is one tip that will prove to be a lifesaver.

Go to the social media accounts of the person you’re shopping for – choose either Instagram or Facebook for this purpose, and see what artists they’re following. You’ll soon notice that there are a couple of favorite artists of theirs who are selling their prints and plushies online, which gives you a lot of options to choose from. The best part? You know for sure that your friend or family member will love the present – just make sure she doesn’t already have what you’re getting her!


Donate to a Cause Close to Their Heart

In today’s day and age, social media has most of us living in a state of constant awareness – it’s hard to escape the onslaught of bad news coming in from all over the world – and it’s hard not to care. Chances are, there are a few causes that mean a great deal to the person you want to surprise, and it might be a great idea to donate to a cause close to her heart in her name instead of getting her anything for herself.

If you do want to get her something, consider buying from a company that cares about the same things she cares about. A lot of small businesses donate part of their proceedings to a particular cause, or use the money they make for making the world a better place – consider these places to buy your presents.

A Surprise Trip

It’s hard to think about anyone who doesn’t love to be taken on an abrupt trip out of the blue – especially one where they can just kick back and relax, not having to worry about any of the planning or logistics. Give that special woman in your life the chance to enjoy herself the same way and take her on a trip to her dream destination.

If that isn’t possible, you can take her on a weekend trip to somewhere close by – a road trip, a stay in a fancy hotel, a fun night out away from her routine where she can de-stress and have fun. Trust us, she’ll appreciate it. Not to mention how a surprise trip is going to be much more memorable than anything else you give her. She’ll always remember you as the person who gave her the anniversary of her life.

A Gift Card to Their Favorite Store

This is something that probably wouldn’t be best for an anniversary celebration, but can certainly be the perfect choice for something more casual like a birthday.

If you’re lost on what to buy for her, the perfect solution is to let her buy it herself. Gift cards are a great present, and if you choose the right store you might even help her get some stuff you’d have never even found out she wanted! Win-win, right?

Subscription Boxes for What They Love

Who says you can only give presents once? If you’re willing to get her a present that keeps on giving, get her a subscription to a subscription box service that caters to her interests – be it coffee, or fashion, or books, or even self-care, there are services that curate a collection of useful items for you to use, and then deliver them all right to your doorstep.

The good thing is that most services will be willing to offer you a discount if you pay for a whole year, and your loved one can keep getting her favorite goodies delivered to her doorstep. Here’s a useful tip – there are even subscription boxes out there that cater to chocolate lovers!

Meaningful Jewelry

We just mentioned at the start of the article how it might not be enough to get her a generic present. But if you can get her jewelry that speaks to the nerd in her? Your present is going to be one to remember! There are a lot of small businesses that can make you jewelry based on any fandom she’s part of, be it a book or a tv show or both, and you can even shop from official stores for something that is both memorable and unique, but also tells her that you know her, and shows how much thought you put into this present.


Selfcare Package

If you feel like the receiver of your present needs to relax and take care of herself, or if you want to treat her to a luxurious evening but don’t have the budget for a spa day, how about making her a self care package? It will require some thought and hard work on your part, but a present that is a collection of all the things needed for a calm night at home – from the PJs to the snacks, bath bombs, and wine – is a pretty good way to show her how much you care.

You can even throw in a gift card to an online streaming service in there for good measure, and rest assured that your message is received – they need to chill at home for at least one night!

We’re sure these suggestions are pretty great as far as presents go, and remember, at the end of the day a present is more about showing how much you care than it is about how much money it costs!

