
Soylent is a complete nutritional shake that can be used to replace a full meal. Perfect for when you can’t take time away from your raid, or when making food isn’t an option.


Similar to Soylent, Huel is a nutritionally complete powder that when mixed with water, makes a meal replacement shake. There are thousands of people who have completely replaced their 3 daily meals with Huel!


The world’s first CrossBar, NEOH is the taste of a candybar inside a protein bar. Only 1g of sugar, 90 calories, and with 8 grams of protein, NEOH is the perfect sweet snack for any gamer.

Halo Top

Halo Top is a low-calorie, low-sugar, high protein ice cream. A pint is between 180-340 calories, letting you indulge your sweet tooth without the guilt.


This one is often overlooked. Our bodies are made of up to 60% water, so we need to hydrate. Swap out sugar filled sodas for water as it has 0 calories and your body needs it!

Beef Jerky

Beef Jerky is way healthier than you’d think. High in protein and low in sugar and fat, this is the perfect snack to fuel an all-night gaming marathon.


The most unhealthy part of most popcorn is the added butter and salt. Movie theaters are notorious for dousing their popcorn with butter, and they even sell flavorings to sprinkle on top. Popcorn itself is super low calorie, so as long as you don’t dump butter on it, it’s a great quick snack.


Kombucha is a fermented tea that’s full of probiotics and other good stuff for your digestive system. While it may sound scary, it actually tastes like a tangy soda, and there are a bunch of brands that have awesome flavors like Pineapple Peach or Tart Cherry!
