Halo Top

Courtesy of Halo Top

Since its inception in 2012, Halo Top has taken over the ice cream industry by storm. Their secret seems obvious once you know about it!


Halo Top was founded by a couple of Los Angeles based lawyers who wanted to create an ice cream that you could eat without feeling guilty. Around the same time, an ambitious Austrian entrepreneur named Manuel started working on a brand new bar that would soon change the candy bar industry as we know it.

So Sweet!


Halo Top uses a combination of stevia (a natural plant based sweetener) and erythritol (a sugar alcohol) to make it just as sweet as regular ice cream, but with way lower calories.

Protein, Bro!


Halo Top also has about 20 grams of protein in each pint. A pint of Haagen Dasz also has 20 grams of protein, but around 1,000 calories instead of the 300 in a pint of Halo Top.


Courtesy of Halo Top

It’s not that Halo Top is significantly BETTER tasting than normal ice cream, but it’s basically identical! That, combined with the fact that it’s got 30% of the calories of a normal pint of ice cream, makes it the obvious choice when choosing your frozen dessert!

Number 1

Courtesy of Halo Top

In 2017, Halo Top became the number 1 best selling pint ice-cream in the US, passing Ben & Jerry’s and Haagen Dazs, who had traded off holding that mark for the past decade.



Fast forward to 2017 and NEOH was born! Just like Halo Top, NEOH was created as a healthier alternative to a candy bar. It has the taste of a candy bar, but the nutrition of a protein bar! The first bars were made in a home kitchen, but now they’re sold all over the US and Europe!

Early Days


In its first year in Europe, the brand sold over 1 million bars! NEOH’s founder, Manuel, wanted to bring the same level of success to the US, so he reached out to his friend Bernhard, who was working at T-Mobile in Seattle, to put together a team in the US.

The Team


Bernhard started working to put together the perfect team to make NEOH a success in the US. During the first couple months working on launching in the US, Bernhard connected with a Seattle based entrepreneur and growth hacker named Roman. Shortly after, they found Daniel, who was working in the marketing department for popchips, to join the team as well! But it’s what’s inside the bar that makes it so unique.

The Bar


NEOH is the world’s first CrossBar! It has the taste of a candy bar, inside a protein bar! Just 90 calories, with 8g of protein, and only 1g of sugar, it’s perfect for guilt-free snacking.

Extra Sweet


It’s the unique combination of 3 sugar-alcohols that make NEOH just as sweet as any candy bar. The mix of erythritol, xylitol, and maltitol (which, even though they sound scientific, are all natural sweeteners found in fruits like berries and pears) have no aftertaste and WAY fewer calories than sugar. Sugar alcohols (which are neither sugar, nor alcohol) also protect against tooth decay, one of the most common negative side effects of sugar!

